Teaching the guitar has been, and still is, an amazing experience.



What is more important then sharing music with the next generation? I’m sure that you can probably name quite a few things but you get my drift. I can honestly say that my 22 years of being a guitar instructor has enriched my life untold amounts. It is as exciting to be sitting across from a brand new 9 year old, struggling to balance the instrument, as it is to be jamming with a long time student who has just completed a guitar degree. I am super proud of a number of students who have gone on study the guitar in a university setting or to play in big time bands. The majority of the people that I know, aside form my childhood connections, are all from teaching or from playing in bands. My band “families” are everywhere. No matter where this recording career takes me, I plan to still be giving back to the next up and coming shredders.

I read a post from a really famous guitar star talking about how being a studio guitarist has helped him be well rounded etc. He spoke of the constant growth on his instrument due to the demands of needing to create for so many varied sessions. I think that teaching the guitar has had a similar effect on me. There have been zillions of songs that I never would have touched that have come across my “desk”. Probably the biggest take away is going back to the fundamentals all of the time. Taking people through my own system of learning, refining and improving it every time. Applying it to my own playing and practicing regularly and with purpose. I am still enthusiastic about this aspect of my personal professional guitar career.

If you are interested in reading some student’s reviews or studying with me (Skype/Facetime) please click on the link below and we can try to set something up. Also, keep an eye out for future teaching videos/PDF’s coming soon. I will be sharing some of my methods in a series of individual lessons. Ultimately, the D.B. Guitar School will be launching as well. This will be a full comprehensive video library of my teaching method and of course licks and stylistic applications.

Click here for Skype lessons!

Click here for my latest album “Bold Horizon”!

Please feel free to leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you!
