Guitar Lesson Courses Coming Soon!
Visit My YouTube Lesson Channel!
Playing the guitar has been, for as long as I can remember, the greatest joy of my life. I have been blessed to make a living doing it for the past 25 years. Recording albums and playing shows is fantastic but probably the greatest part has been teaching the guitar. I have been sitting down, “one on one” with students, for two and a half decades and have developed a multitude of strategies to help students achieve their goals. With beginners, I work to minimize the inherent struggles, through proven techniques
and approaches, to get students playing fluently sooner then expected. The goal is to give intermediate and advanced students learn; proper techniques, rhythm playing, improvisation, soloing, learning and building repertoire, song writing, music theory, finding their own voice and so much more. I’m thrilled to be teaching these concepts online! I’m in the process of making lesson courses, many lesson courses, to help as many students as I can. They are on the way. Please have a look at the FREE lessons available on this website! Please visit my YouTube lesson channel
“Drew Bentley Guitar” to see if this free resource
can help you achieve your guitar playing goals!
Teaching The World “One On One” Guitar Lessons.
Take a much deeper dive into learning how to play the guitar. Be on the lookout for my upcoming lesson course, “Three Degree Complete Beginner Guitar Method” COMING SOON! The course will consist of 196 lesson and play along videos, along with a downloadable PDF workbook. The lessons will be separated into three Karate belts, White, Yellow and Orange, designed to cover absolutely everything to take a brand new guitarist from their very first day with a guitar, all the way up to the intermediate phase. This will be the most comprehensive guitar course available and will give you all that you need to get to the intermediate phase with a solid foundation, knowing everything that you need to know. Most players take years to achieve this and still miss some crucial steps along the way. I’m thrilled to soon have this be available for the guitar community. Please email me to get on the waiting list and receive 10% off of the first module “White Belt” when it becomes available. Type “Three degree” in the subject line. I will reach out when the course launches!